Wheel Of Fortune Bed And Breakfast

Directed by Robert Ennis Jr. With Marie Anastos, Jeremy Anderson, Monique Brown, Pat Sajak. WHEEL OF FORTUNE WEBSITE. WHEEL WATCHERS CLUB WEBSITE. Episode Aired On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Bed & Breakfast. BONUS PUZZLE (Food & Drink) RAW VEGGIES. “WHEEL of FORTUNE” 3/18/19. $1K T-U: Thing R C E L E S S I N T I N G. Mary has seen at least one PRICELESS PAINTING while in art class.

Wheel Of Fortune Bed And BreakfastBreakfastWeek

Here are the bonus puzzles from Wheel of Fortune (Sept 18 – 22, 2017), Bed and Breakfast Week (Season 35). By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.


Mon 9-18-17 Wheel: $12,600 + $0
On Jeopardy: $11,800
Jef Otten got one P and one A from his choices but he really needed one of the letters in that last word to solve this. We loved his “group of dogs” try– some people do call their friends their “dogs.” LOL!! The amount on the card that was lost to him was $35,000.

Tue 9-19-17 Wheel: $13,610 + $34,180
On Jeopardy: $29,200
Anthony Giordano got one of each of his letter picks. He also had 2 compound words to deal with, but that didn’t bother him at all. He solved it in a matter of seconds and won himself a Chevy Equinox worth $34,180. Total in cash and prizes: $47,790

Wed 9-20-17 Wheel: $18,620 + $35,000
On Jeopardy: $9,401
Brad Hobby got 2 of his letters, the D and the A. That was enough for him to know the character, and that was real good. The missing letters are rarely picked. The extra $35K brought his winning total up to $53,620.


Thu 9-21-17 Wheel: $32,800 + $0
On Jeopardy: $22,801
Annie Nagengast got one of her consonants and a bunch of O’s. The first word was right there for her but the last word proved her undoing and that was sad when it turned out that she picked the $100,000 card. Still, she had the consolation of a better-than-average payday from the regular game.

Fri 9-22-17 Wheel: $27,050 + $34,180
On Jeopardy: $23,200
Mark Garcia picked good letters. Two G’s showed up and three O’s, and all he had to do was say the name of the occupation. He also picked a good card– a Chevy Equinox, the second one this week. (Just between us, we’d rather get the $35K cash card). Mark’s total haul: $61,230.

Wheel Of Fortune Bed And Breakfast 2019 Answers